Friday, April 13, 2012

Luxury Brands- Ferrari

Ferrari is an Italian sports car company founded in 1929 by Enzo Ferrari. The company sells cars for street and consumer use, as well as Formula One racing, and others. The price ranges from $150,000-$350,000. They sell their products at specific dealers, as well as online. The target market is older adults, who are now able to afford a car such as this, and have been imagining exactly what they want. Many celebrities own a Ferrai, such as Kim Kardashian, Nicholas Cage and Tommy Hilfiger.0113 e1311929398711 Top 10 Celebrities Who Own a Ferrari
0313 e1311929294177 Top 10 Celebrities Who Own a Ferrari
It appeals to me, because they are really cool cars. They are well made, and they have a really good reputation for being reliable. And who doesn't like to go really fast? People are willing to splurge because of the reputation, as well as the fact that they've probably worked hard all their life thinking of buying such a car and they want to reward themselves with the actual thing.


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