Sunday, April 15, 2012

Extension Strategies

1. Improving the quality of the product

Cottonelle not only improved the softness and satisfaction of the product, they also changed the entire brand image, creating an image of extreme elegance.

2. Converting non-users

Ford  has featured ads in which they let a person use a Ford vehicle for a week for free to see if they would like to use it.

3. New Flavours and Scents

While Kit Kat has released flavours like Chunky, Peanut Butter and White Chocolate in North America, they are a lot more adventurous in Japan where they have flavours like Cheese, Aloe Vera and Gold. As well, they have region specific flavours.

4. Improved Style

A&W Restaurants have updated their style of restaurant in order to keep up with trends and styles over the years.


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