Monday, May 28, 2012

Hi-Tec Case Study

1. A unique selling proposition is a feature on a product not offered by competitors that gives it an edge in the marketplace.

2.  Hi-Tec's values are proud, honest, fun and hungry, as they want to deliver more than the competition, deliver on their promises, work creatively to provide solutions and a constant desire to improve products. They want to combine these values to put together a unique product and they want to do it differently than their competition.

3. For the junior market, they make the footwear durable with prices to attract parents. For outdoor sports, they use products with water repellent technologies and for specialist sports, they attach athletes to the products so that the brand is linked with achievement.

4. They are effective as they are hitting all the biggest forms of advertising, television, press advertisements, banner advertising and billboards. They are all suited to the audience they want, so they advertise during sports and relevant retailers, to get to the people who may want to. It's effective, but there's not a lot of detail to suggest exactly where the advertising is.

5. The benefits of the viral campaign are that the video has millions of views, as well as millions of people talking about it on Facebook and Twitter, as well as press coverage from many different media outlets such as The Sun and The Guardian. It also gave them a 10 times return on investment. The best way to build on this would be to do a sequel, with their next equipment, with the same people, which would give it a sense of continuity.


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