Sunday, February 26, 2012

Google has been the most dominant search engine for over ten years, but Bing has come rather recently to challenge them, but the thing is, Google just does what they do better. Google isn't really trying to fill a niche, by being the most dominant search engine on the internet, they're marketing to literally everyone, except for people who don't have computers, but chances are they will still encounter at some point in their lives. Bing's marketing however, seems to be pointed toward people who are way too overwhelmed by Google. I'm not sure these people actually exist, I mean, Google does give you a lot of results, but unless you get panic attacks from literally anything, Google should not be that difficult for you. As well, it's fashioned itself into an actual word, and I'm pretty sure Bing isn't going to. Neither of them cost anything, but Google does offer free phone calls through Gmail to anywhere in the US and Canada. Google's users can be extremely loyal, as it will often be the only search engine they use, and they're likely to use Google's other features, like Gmail, Translate, Maps, etc. If Bing actually does get the users they're marketing to, they're probably not going to use it that much, as they're probably not the type of people who use the internet all that often. Google hasn't really promoted the site all that much, they do a lot of viral marketing, though I can't remember one they've done recently. Bing is a bit more interesting, as they're one of three companies to have their logo featured on a WNBA team's jersey, it's prominently featured on the Seattle Storm's jerseys. Finally, Google has a better perceived quality, and real quality, as  I'm always satisfied with their search results, and I love Gmail and their documents. Edge goes to Google.


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