Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mass Marketing vs. Niche Marketing

Mass Marketers

1. Tim Hortons
2. Old Navy
3. McDonald's
4. Chapters
5. Canadian Tire
6. The Bay
7. Coca Cola
8. PetroCanada
9. Toyota
10. Toshiba
Niche Marketing
1. Starbucks
2. Four Loko
3. Gamestop
4. Alienware
5. KFC
6. Long John Silver's
7. The Brick
8. Bath and Body Works
10. Comic King


  1. Exactly right! So much so, I had to look up Four Loko - obviously never marketed to me!!

  2. Schools demand ubiquitous computing. Technology costs must be integrated in general school budgets. All budgets, despite project or department, must be completely reviewed to see how technology can support and make the end product more successful. click site
